Law services

  • 2 years ago
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Lawoffice is a Spanish legal firm set up in 2002, with the idea to help foreigners in Spain deal with legal and extrajudicial disputes. Founder is the lawyer Ms.  Amparo Pastor A., who specializes in private international law, town planning and real estate law. She is a member of the Bar Association of Elche.

Lawoffice is made up of a team of professionals with university degrees, who are expert lawyers and economists, with extensive experience within the tax and real estate sector, focusing on helping foreigners buying and/ or selling property in Spain.

They work as a team

By working together harmoniously they want to provide the BEST SERVICE possible for their clients, guaranteeing customer satisfaction at all times.

Lawoffice wants to promote honesty and transparency by keeping you as a client informed about the whole process all steps of the way.

They speak many languages including Spanish, English, Danish and Norwegian.

They are specialists in:

  • Conveyancing
  • Power of attorney
  • Legal and Fiscal representation in Spain
  • Claims prior to legal action
  • All types of contracts
  • Wills and Inheritance
  • NIE and residence permits
  • Setting up businesses
  • Law suits ( Civil and Administrative Law, Minor Traffic Offences, Urban Planning Law)
  • Legal Separation or Divorce
  • Traffic Issues
  • Property Law
  • Processing Tourist Licenses

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